Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I just finished refinishing my hated kitchen table. I don't like it. I mean, I did a good job, and I like the job I did, I just don't like the table and I would love to get a new one that expands to fit all my friends and family when they come a calling. Urgh - I will just have to buck up, stick the darn thing back in my kitchen and start saving my dollar bills for a new table. We'll see how long it takes to save enough up. I have a jar in my room now for the dollar bills - I just will have to actually do it!

Leo had 2 friends over, Sarah had 2 friends over, Jan had a friend over, Alex had 2 friends over and I feel like drinking a beer. I don't have anything decent in the fridge (Jan got the stuff in the blue and white can) and I really feel like a good cold one but there is no way on earth I would ever get in the car and drive for one - want and need are not the same thing. I guess I will have a glass of raspberry lemonade instead. At least its cold and tart!

My neighbor gave me a couple of zucchini today - I am going to make a cake with them on Friday when I have my next opportunity to spend a little bit of time at home. I love zucchini cake - I haven't had it in a long time. Maybe I will make some of Grandma Fontish's hot fudge frosting to go on top - yum!

Wednesdays get so hard - they start too early and I really feel that by 2pm, after having been in meetings or running since 6:30am, it's just past time to quit for the day even though my phone does not stop ringing and I really do still have to answer it and do some business.

Oh well, I guess that is life and maybe it isn't the most organized but it's mine and I like it!